Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Law of the Garbage Truck

Pastor Joby used the "The Law of Garbage Truck" as an illustration in yesterday's sermon on Becoming a 2nd mile Christian taken from Matthew 5: 38-42.; focusing on Verse 41 which says "If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles." (NIV).

I must confess that not too long ago, i too, am full of garbaged; venting my anger and pouring out all my emotions and clamors in life to my boyfriend. He's always the victim and sole listener of my rants and raves having no option but to cry and in the end offer an advice.

I know also a number of these kind of people and often than not i am their dump site. But i happened to have the Lord in my heart and i wouldn't let anything or anyone rob me out of my joy.

I have nothing but prayers and compassion to those who have "garbages" in their lives.

I know, because i have been one too.

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