Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Owe Nothing But Love

As i have mentioned on my previous blog, my priorities have changed the day i knew i was pregnant. I am blessed to have a husband who knows how to manage his finances well but we are extremely opposite.

It has been two months since we got married, i got sick and was hospitalized weeks after the wedding and now i am carrying my precious little one. Our relationship is now being tested on the aspect of through sickness and health and for richer or poorer.

Hospital Bills, Medications and pre-natal supplements are no joke. They come in huge prices and as newly weds, we are now financially dried up. But in everything give thanks. I thank the Lord for this opportunity to know my husband deeper in terms of handling finances, making decisions, trusting each other, helping each other and trusting the Lord. He also became my instant caregiver, cook and patient nurse.

I have seen my family and relatives in serious debt and i am praying that i will not make it as a habit or lifestyle. I remember one passage in the Bible that talks about being in debt.

Romans 13:8
Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law.

At present, my husband and i are facing insurmountable debt, i mean over due credit card bills and we are hoping and praying that in three months time we would be able to fulfill our financial obligations and cut or permanently terminate of our credit card services.

Having debts means having no peace of mind and i tend to worry all the time.
But i trust God, and i trust my husband as well.

I don't use my credit card anymore and vowed to pay in cash for all my transactions, i have also started saving for future emergencies. I want to be the person who can help others or give to the needy and not the one being helped.

I am God's steward on finances and so i must become one.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Wishlist

A lot has changed the day i found out that i am going to be a mother.
I am now more conscious of what i eat, how i dress up, where i go, how i spend my weekends and breaks, my expenses and priorities.

This Christmas i only want five things but not for me, it's for the little baby whom i am so blessed to received from my Almighty God.

Aside from having a baby, i know it is a huge responsibility and ministry on how i will nurture, care, love and protect my precious child. The most important thing is, how will my motherhood reflect Christ in me.

So here goes my list..not just wants but needs:-)

1. Life Saver/ Diaper Bag
2. Avent Starter Kit
3. Avent Breast Pump Kit
4. Avent Sterilizer
5. Convertible Baby Crib

*thinking of posting this link to my husband's Facebook Account... (smiling Sheepishly)

Source for Image:

Friday, April 30, 2010

Loosing Patience

I tend to be impatient even with little things now a days. Not long ago, i can still enjoy and have fun while waiting and not loosing my patience at all.

Whenever i wait in long lines, i would keep myself busy by reading things within my sight or playing games on my mobile phone. Whenever i would wait for someone and even if it would take longer than an hour or two, reading books or sending SMS would keep away my idle time. Whenever i am in dire need of answers from God, i would still pray joyfully and with gladness in my heart. There is always joy in waiting.

People do change, and not always for the better. I am now becoming an impatient and control freak. Lately, training a new hire seemed impossible for me not to loose my patience. Simple and basic instructions or procedures are asked repeatedly. I might say, simple things are sometimes the most complicated things to understand and follow. Learning fundamentals or the foundation of a one element or area of learning would aid any person when faced by cerebrally challenging situations. Once grounded on the basic tenets, it would after all make the job easier and less mind-boggling.

I was reminded by a verse in the Bible found on 1 Corinthians 13:4 which says" Love is patient, love is kind".

This is also backed strongly by this straight to the heart quote:

"When tempted to lose patience with someone, stop and think how patient God has been with you".

True enough, i must say, i have to be patient at all times. And when tempted, i have to put my feet on that person's shoes and view it on God's perspective.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The "F" word

I am not fond of cursing or using an irreverent language much more of directing it to someone. Profanity as a form of expression is and will never be glorifying to God. Earlier today, a colleague has just uttered that magic word directly to me. I must admit it bruised my heart and ego. Such abusive behavior or impolite expression should never be tolerated. I smiled after hearing the word yet as i turned my back away from her, i felt humiliated and crushed in Spirit. What is it of me that makes people around me treat that way? I remember the Law of Garbage trucks that people are carrying emotional garbages and unconsciously dumps them to people randomly. I do not have control on her behavior and with the situation but certainly has on how i should respond to what had just transpired.

What does the Bible Say about cursing or wrong use of speech? Here are the following verses that reminds me of the purpose of my tongue:

James 3:9-12
9With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. 10Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. 11Can both fresh water and salt[a] water flow from the same spring? 12My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.

Luke 6:26-27
26Woe to you when all men speak well of you,
for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets.
27"But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,

Romans 12:14
14Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.

Romans 12:17-21
17Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"[a]says the Lord. 20On the contrary:
"If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."[b] 21Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

How then should i respond? The Lord said that i should bless those who curse me. I know it's one tough act to make but thy will be done, not mine.

My prayer:

Lord, may you take the pain away from me and instead be joyful that it's not I who cursed but the one being cursed. Help me to forgive and forget and show kindness and love to that person at all times. I humbly bow before you and seek comfort and healing and that you may bless that person. In Jesus mighty name. AMEN.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Typical day starts with selfishness and ends with self-centeredness. My life is now in chaos and i don't even know how to get myself back on track. I envy those who are in the ministry and serving the Lord for He watches over them. I was once passionate and on fire but because i choose to be a carnal Christian then i am now without peace and in distress. Guilt has overshadowed me. I tried to go back in God's loving arms but to no avail. My quiet time and prayer time is inconsistent and i still have the guts to ask for His blessings. No wonder God doesn't answer me. My intentionally contemptuous behavior has separated me from God.

I remember this passage from Hebrews 10: 26-27

"If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God."

This is the truth and I am totally devastated by what i have become these past few days. I would practically be ashamed if God will let me watch the flashbacks in my life. There is nothing worth watching for. My life right now can be best described in one word: SINFUL.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rekindled Romance

After almost 7 months of playing with fire, the damsel in distress has found her way back into the arms of her long lost knight in shining armor. A heart-to-heart talk paved the way for both of us to reconsider our true feelings for each other. No more lies and no more pretensions. Mr. admitted that while he was into two relationships at the same time, he was still thinking of me. I am not flattered with his revelation, i felt cheated and at the same time i felt sorry for the two whom he had for his convenience. Talking about casual relationship with benefits. Enough said, i am glad that my heart has found it's way home.

Started my year not so right.

I haven't taken any time to blog about anything in particular. My last entry was in 2009 and so much has happened on the first quarter of 2010. I started my year not so right, doing things that are really against the will of God. My habitual sins has once again managed to overtake me. The enemy must have been rejoicing with my downfall. To make matters worst, i am conscious that what i did was wrong. My incomprehensible self-centered attitude and lacking in humility adds to my long list of a-must-transformed addictions. The once soulful me is now trying to find one. I am in desperate need of God's help, though i know i have made vows and promises to live a life worthy of His name yet i constantly and consistently defy His word. The life i live now is in contrast to what the Lord has commanded me. What have i done to God's love and grace?